HoneyBook Setup
HoneyBook can be a bit of a beast to set up, but once you’ve nailed it, you’ll be able to stay organized while managing projects, saving time, and WOWing your clients. That’s all thanks to a sexy thing called automations. Whether you’re a HoneyBook newbie or a longtime user, let’s make sure your workflow is as seamless as can be! Sonia is an official HoneyBook Pro.
Canned Emails
Smart Files
Contact Forms
Copywriting Help
Branding - Scheduling - Canned Emails - Automations - Clientflow - Smart Files - Contact Forms - Brochures - Questionnaires - Maintenance - Copywriting Help -
HoneyBook Audit - $350
Know your way around HoneyBook but could use some suggestions? With this audit, we hop on a 1-hour Zoom call and walk through your current setup to figure out ways to improve it. After the call, you'll receive a checklist of the tasks we talked about completing, with 10 days of support included, of course.
Time Frame: 1 - 2 days
1 Hour Zoom call to walk through current setup to figure out ways to optimize and streamline
Post-call check list of tasks for you to DIY
Includes 10 days of support after setup is completed
HoneyBook Automations - $1,300
So you’ve got your HoneyBook set up…but have you fully tapped into the beauty of automating? With this service, we focus on automations. We map out your client onboarding journey which I then fully implement within your HoneyBook profile. You'll get a detailed walk-through and instructions on how to make any edits in the future. Voxer support included
Time Frame: 2 - 3 weeks
Client onboarding journey map
Up to 3 FULL Automations set up
Up to 5 Smart Files created or Updates to 5 current files including - Contact Form, Brochures, Questionnaires, Invoices, Contracts, and Proposals
Kick Off call to review drafted workflows for approval before implementing
Email Template Import (Copy provided by client. Option for Custom Copy Add On)
Detailed recorded video walkthrough and tutorial of Automations and Smart Files within your account
Includes 20 days of support after setup is completed
HoneyBook Full Setup - $1,800
Time Frame: 3 - 5 weeks
Client onboarding journey map
Up to 5 FULL Automations set up
Up to 12 Smart Files created or Updates to 12 current files including - Contact Form, Brochures, Questionnaires, Invoices, Contracts, and Proposals
Kick Off call to review drafted workflows for approval before implementing
Email Template Import (Copy provided by client. Option for Custom Copy Add On)
Detailed recorded video walkthrough and tutorial of entire HoneyBook setup within your account
Settings setup
Branding integration (files provided by client)
Scheduler setup (up to 5 appointment types)
Integrations (Zoom, iCal, Google Calendar, Calendly)
Includes 20 days of support after setup is completed
Just starting out with HoneyBook or in desperate need of an overhaul? (You know who you are!) For this service, we hop on a Zoom call to flesh out every detail of your DREAM setup. Once we nail that down, I get to work! My team and I implement your branding, integrations, templates, and map out your client journey to start adding automations. When we are done, your system will be fully set up and ready to roll!
Free HoneyBook Setup Guide
5 Crucial Steps to Take Before Accepting New Clients in HoneyBook
An easy peasy guide that walks you step-by-step through how to set up your HoneyBook so you can dazzle new clients and look like the pro you are!